Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Catching Up

Sorry I haven’t posted in quite a long while. Somehow, unpacking boxes and writing the massive approval essay seemed to be more urgent for days, even weeks, at a time. Now, whether it is right or wrong, the essay is complete. We have unpacked almost all of the boxes, although we still need to empty out our storage unit. (Oh boy, more boxes and furniture to carry into and arrange in our little house!)

We also had a chance to get away this past weekend, as we participated in a retreat with other members of our class to ‘debrief’ on our internship. While many of us dreaded the weekend, it turned out to be a wonderful time away, filled with prayer and worship, sharing and storytelling, food and relaxation.

We were truly on retreat at the beach, with some free time to appreciate the wonder of God’s creation – the warmth of the sun and the power of the waves. We made time to pray and worship together, and most of all, to share stories. These stories weren’t really about our internships or the congregations that hosted us – in a very real way, they were simply about us and our experiences as we are in the process of becoming pastors.

Many of the stories shared were funny; some encouraging, and some not so. Sometimes we celebrated the times we got things right. Other times we commiserated over mistakes made. Always we experienced God’s presence.

Now we are back at home. Back at work, trying to catch up on all of the assigned reading. Back to look ahead to the next step in the process. There doesn't seem to be any time in this year's schedule to just enjoy being in the moment.

While it seems like this year of classes has just begun, we are already looking ahead to next year. We actually have a meeting this week on campus with four synodical bishops and other church leaders to talk about how the candidacy process is completed and the call process begins.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Hurricane Felix

While Felix appears to be no threat to the US, it appears that it will be a major threat to Honduras and Nicaragua - countries in Central America that don't have the resources to deal with a major hit by a hurricane. For them, I offer this prayer, modified from the ELCA disaster site (http://www.elca.org/disaster/download/Litanyafterhurricanes.doc)

O God of mercy, look with pity upon all those who will be left homeless, bereft, in shock, in the wake of the Hurricanes Felix. God, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Holy God, who fed your people in the wilderness, whose loving kindness is everlasting, lift the burdens of all who will be weary from the search for food, and refresh those who will be parched from thirst. God, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

O Source of all consolation, comfort with the sure sense of your presence all who feel forsaken, whose hope will be dried up. God, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Heavenly Father, who sent your son to bring sight to the blind, hearing and healing to all who asked, open our ears to all cries of affliction, and through us provide healing and help. God, in your mercy,
Hear our prayer.

Merciful God, you ask us to cleanse our hearts, to loose the bonds of oppression, and to repair the ruins. Pour out upon us the Spirit of your love, so that we might pour
ourselves out for those affected by disaster so that they, too, will know your generous healing power. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray.