Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Beginning of the End

This is a time of transition for us as our internship year comes to an end. The schedule for these last couple of weeks in Mobile is very full! We need to finish a project or two at LDR and the church, write our final internship reports, have our last meetings with internship committees and other groups, preach our last sermons here, and hand over our files both places.

Some classmates told us they had deliberate time for “disengaging” before they left their internship congregations and returned to school. We, on the other hand, are running full tilt until the last possible moment. Another event for LDR this weekend, two Red Cross disaster volunteer trainings next week, etc. (Never mind the lengthy approval essay which still needs to be written by early September.)

After our last Sunday here, we will need to pack up our office and our apartment, so that we can load up the truck and move back before the school year begins. We already have our class schedules – now it is time to buy our books and settle into a different routine for the last year of our studies!

It has been both an exciting and challenging year and saying goodbye is difficult, because in many ways it feels like we just got settled in. But we know these transitions and farewells are part of the internship experience – preparation for arriving at a new call and practice for leaving well from one in the future…

1 comment:

David said...

I too seem to be running full tilt. Although yesterday it was painfully evident that I will soon be leaving. Suddenly I no longer am asked to attend planning meetings and have taught my last class. Paastor Sue still has plenty for me to do, in fact I am staying an extra week in order to help out with a few things. But it is a wierd time.