Thursday, June 26, 2008

Still wandering

Some time ago, I wrote about our habit of attending Sunday worship in different congregations to experience a variety of worship styles and settings. Well, that has continued, but in a different way.

Since graduation, Ray and I have either preached or led worship in six different churches, in three states. Some Sundays that means one of us preaches and the other does not; some Sundays, we both preach different services in the same place. A couple of Sundays, we have been in two entirely different places. We already have our schedules filled for most of July, continuing in this same pattern. I think we have officially become itinerant preachers!

The benefits of this (aside from some income from supply preaching fees) are that we are still experiencing worship in a variety of settings and we get to meet and worship with God’s people in different places. We gain helpful experience leading worship in a variety of places. We have been in small country churches and large city churches and everything in between. Another benefit for us is simply the practice and discipline of spending time in God’s word each week, so that we can proclaim it faithfully.

The downside of being non-ordained supply preachers is that these worship services do not include the celebration of the Eucharist. Fortunately, we have also been able to attend a number of other worship services in past weeks. We have attended the commissioning of an Associate in Ministry, two ordinations, a wedding in the seminary chapel, and worship at two different synod assemblies (North and South Carolina). Each of these has been truly a festival worship, with marvelous music and proclamation of the word and celebration of the Eucharist, so we have been regularly and joyously fed at the Lord’s Table.

We do hope and pray that we will soon have a call from a congregation, be planning our own ordination(s), and then be able to both preach and preside in our new home congregation. We look forward to the opportunity to settle into that place which God has already prepared. We know that the process continues to unfold according to his plan and perfect timing, but we cannot help but be anxious for this wandering to be over.

In the meantime, I need to get back to work on my sermon for this Sunday!


Anonymous said...

I have to say, just like you and Ray, I have loved supply preaching in so many settings, especially for all the reasons you stated. The many people and traditions have only helped me realize the richness in our diversity when we worship.

Next week I am preaching at my internship church. Pastor Sue invited me to come for one more service before I am no longer, shall we say, an available supply. Thsi will be a great day and we are all looking forward to it.

Now quit reading the blogs and get back to your sermon.

Ruth Ann said...

I actually got it done a day early, which gave me time to work on a sewing project and twin-sit this evening.