Saturday, May 31, 2008

Time between the times

It seems that we are indeed living in the time between the times. We are no longer students, yet we aren’t in a call yet. We’ve been reassured by a current seminary student that we are not unemployed. He told us that for the first two months, we are still on vacation – only then should we be concerned about being unemployed. I’m not sure about his definition, but I’ll take it for now.

It’s been a quiet and yet quite busy week. Last Sunday night, when I looked at the calendar for this week, I was a bit dismayed. There weren’t any classes, appointments, deadlines, or even work shifts scheduled! What would a week without any of those feel like?

There were still several books sitting on the shelf waiting to be read, and sermons to write for next week, so we weren't out of things to do, but the usual pace had certainly changed! It has been a good week to catch up some reading and study, and it has actually been pretty exhausting. In addition to picking up a few hours of work on campus, we have spent time tending the rose garden there and have completed – or at least begun - several long-postponed chores here at home. We have now installed the attic exhaust fan we purchased last fall, have a new electrical outlet on the back porch for the freezer, have shredded a couple of years’ worth of old files, and have begun the much dreaded process of painting the railings on our front and back porch and carport. Well, we haven’t actually painted anything yet… but we have been very busy scraping and scrubbing in preparation for the new paint!

The one good thing about hours spent with a putty knife or wire brush in your hands is that you have plenty of time to pray and to think and even begin to prepare a sermon. The bad thing is that you don’t have much to show for your time when you’re done! That sort of sums up how I feel about this whole week – I’ve been plenty busy, and have actually accomplished several tasks, but don’t have much to show for it, since the porch railings still need to be painted. Unless, of course, you count the four trash bags full of shredded paper still sitting in our office!

I am profoundly grateful that we are not judged according to what we are able to accomplish, but that God provides for all our needs - even our need to be busy and feel productive!


Ivy said...

What seminary did you go to? I am starting at Gettysburg in Aug. Peace.

Ray said...

We both went to LTSS.

Anonymous said...

You guys are doing a much better job at keeping busy than I am. All I seem to muster is a bit of yard work in the afternoon.

Good luck this weekend. I'll be praying for ya!

Ray said...

I begin to wonder where we found the time to study! There have been several items checked off the to-do list, but many more remain.