Monday, May 19, 2008

Trinity Sunday

Since our approval essay last fall was written on the subject of the Holy Trinity, and mine included a sermon written on the lectionary texts for this year, it was rather ironic to be asked to supply preach this week. For the benefit of those who might have read my essay or heard my laments about writing that essay and sermon, I should report the following: Yes, I did use the exegetical work I had already done on those texts and No, I did not use the same sermon I had written last fall, but I did adapt portions of it.

Ray and I were both asked to supply preach Sunday for the congregation which was our field church during our junior and middler years, so we were familiar with the congregation and it was great fun to be back at Good Shepherd and greet many people we knew. Because they have three worship services – including two held at the same time (a traditional service in the sanctuary and a contemporary service in the fellowship hall) – it actually kept both of us quite busy!

The most unusual part of the day though, was leading worship there while the congregation’s senior pastor was being elected the new bishop of the South Carolina Synod! The fifth and final ballot was actually being held downtown at the assembly about the same time the worship service was taking place.

We are not likely to ever repeat that experience! I’m certainly glad that we included prayers for the Holy Spirit to guide the election process at the synod assembly in our prayers for the church. Please join me in continued prayers for the Bishop-elect of SC, the Rev. Dr. Herman Yoos. He has been an important mentor to us during our seminary process and we are certain that he will serve the synod well as their next bishop. We will also be praying for the entire congregation, as they certainly face many changes in the days, weeks, and months to come.

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