Thursday, January 05, 2006

Format Change

You will have noticed (at least I think you would have) that we do have an advertisement on our blog. This is by choice - google's adsense program is supposed to pay you if you have one of their advertisements and someone actually clicks on it. I just added a Google Search bar as well.

The advertisements are supposed to match the context of the blog - if they get obnoxious, we'll take them off, but in the meantime - click away and earn us some gas money for the drive home in a few weeks. I don't see that we will get rich off the ad, but if we can earn a few dollars and they aren't offensive to anyone, we'll leave them. Please comment if you have an opinion.


Anonymous said...

"Chainsaw Specials & More" seems oddly appropriate!

Anonymous said...

I am so enjoying reading your entries. God is certainly blessing you to be a blessing to others. It's hard to imagine that it will take 8 years or more to make headway with the destruction. In the meantime, we'll praise God for all the people who are there making a difference.