Saturday, January 14, 2006

We cleaned off the work table!

While lots of volunteers have been available the past couple of weeks, we have been trying to help clean up the warehouse and sort out many of the mysterious pallets of assorted "stuff" which has been in storage for weeks or months. This meant that for several days, our big central work table was covered with boxes of clothes, hangers, toys, linens, and household items. The clutter seemed completely out of control.

The good news is that with the patient steady work of several folks, we managed to sort through the pallets of clothes and toys, arrange the linens (including about 300 blankets and bedspreads that arrived today), relocate most of the household items, and even clean off the table!

Next week's major task will be to finish sorting the household items, which probably means that the table will be covered again for a few days, but I think we can get those under control as well. Or at least that is my goal for my last week here.

Keep in mind that while all that sorting is going on inside, we are also filling about 150 orders a day in our drive-through line outside - which means that volunteer workers must also be assembling kits of food, cleaning supplies, hygiene items, baby food, and paper goods. Plus there are people who keep the pallets of goods moving out to the front line, and others who spend most of their day collecting trash and flattening boxes. All in all, it takes about 30 people to run the distribution center and sort supplies on a busy day.

It is hard to believe the week is over. It has been a very busy - I even took a turn leading the morning chapel service yesterday morning. I'm glad that today was a bit quieter in the distribution center, and we will be closed tomorrow. I plan to take some time to rest and do laundry.

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